We love this advice from a mom to her 3-year-old son, Ari, named after Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, as outlined in our feature article.
“Ari, there’s a reason why you are here on this planet. You are here to become your best self – which also includes helping others to be their best selves and helping this world to be a better place.”
Aristotle recommended aiming yourself at “Best Self” habits – including generosity, kindness, integrity, patience, and love of following your passion. He believed in focussing on what was right about a person rather than what was wrong.
While you may or may not have studied Aristotle, each of us has a philosophy and beliefs that influence how we interact with the people we care about.
In fact, parents are the most influential person in a young person’s life, and they are also their #1 source of career advice. In other words, if you are a parent or caregiver, you are a crucial source of information, ideas and career tips for the young person in your life – you have been thrust into the role of “Parent as Career Coach”!
Some students have a hard time deciding on a career direction to pursue and that is understandable. However, we have coached many students and have proven steps in guiding them to narrow down their choices and to focus on a direction that is both meaningful and a fit for them.
We want to support those of you that are in the role of “Parent as Career Coach.”
We are considering holding a free virtual event for parents at which we would provide strategies and tips to support you, as you support your child on their career path. If this would this be of interest, simply send us an email with your name and we will keep you informed.
Our goal is to support parents as they guide young people to choose a career and successfully begin their meaningful career journey.
PeerSpectively yours,
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Featured Article: Life is a Game and You Make the Rules: A philosophy to Live Happier
by Karen Salmansohn, www.notsalmon.com
Life is a game and you make the rules. Here’s a philosophy to become a winner at love, success, happiness – and your cheat sheet!
Recently I played a few app games with my 3 year old son (Ari Salmansohn). Or at least we tried to play. Read more.