Higher Education Teams

Higher Education Services

Higher Education Workshops and Programs


Workshops for Administrators

Administrators are leaders and managers responsible for results and for developing and building their team. Consider an “Introduction to Strengths” team building workshop to improve communication, collaboration and productivity.

A 2-hour or half-day workshop can add some fun and interactivity to a PD Day or Strategy Session.

Managers come away with a deeper understanding of each team members’ Strengths. Team members learn to appreciate their own talents and those of their colleagues.


Workshops for Instructors

Want to introduce Strengths to your students? Improve group work and student-team dynamics?

PeerSpectives Consultants train faculty to introduce CliftonStrengths® to their students.

Instructor training includes a deep dive for faculty/staff into their own Strengths profile & we provide the tools to leverage these Strengths in the classroom.

Workshop training packages can include PowerPoint slides and in-class activities to quickly incorporate into courses or workshops.

Stephanie Koonar
Stephanie Koonar
Louann McCurdy
Louann McCurdy

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