Our Values

Our Values

Discover what drives us.

Over the years, we have worked with corporate teams, marketing teams, teams of project managers in the following sectors: tourism, home and commercial restoration, telecommunications, marketing agencies, real-estate development, real-estate sales, and many more.

We have expertise in working with leaders and teams in Higher Education at Colleges and Universities across Canada from Vancouver to Halifax and we work with Higher Education Associations such as Colleges and Institutes of Canada (CICAN) and Colleges Ontario.  

We are pleased to work with organizations that are aligned with our mission which is working on delivering on United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) Goal 8: Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.  

UN goals, promote sustained inclusive and sustainbale economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

We have a special interest in supporting subgoal of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) Goal 8 #8.6: Reducing the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training. This is reflected in our work with Young Women in Business, Greater Vancouver Board of Trade Leaders of Tomorrow Program, 49 Women in Science, Big Sisters and commitment to individual coaching of high school and post-secondary students to launch meaningful careers. 

Suporting Young People PeerSpective Consulting

We are deeply respectful of the past tragedies inflicted on our Indigenous peoples and are humbled to continue to learn more and to listen.  We have reviewed the Truth and Reconciliation calls to action and resonate with supporting #7 “to eliminate education and employment gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians.” Specifically this is reflected in our work with the Career Fit workshops with the BC Metis Nation. 

Metis and Metis Women logos PeerSpective Consulting

In summary, our experience facilitating so many workshops means that individuals can trust us to deliver an interactive workshop where participants will leave feeling engaged, motivated, and empowered to be their best selves.Â